Unfortunately, I seem to only feel like writing poems when I'm in bad mood, so this is not collection of cheerful poems.
My Memories
My memories they do fade away,drifting slowly out of my sight,
I do so wish that they would stay.
As faces fade I feel dismay,
I grasp so tight with all my might.
My memories they do drift away.
The path I follow leads me astray,
my flames of hope now grow less bright.
I do so wish that they would stay.
Experiences learnt and lost each day
this has now become my plight.
My memories they do drift away.
As each passing day does decay
the lost emotions take their flight.
I do so wish that they would stay.
My mind is plotting to betray,
it's demise is born of spite.
My memories they do drift away.
I do so wish that they would stay.
There's a pain in my head,and my mind grows so weak.
Pain invades all my thoughts,
can not think, can not speak.
I wait here in darkness
for the peace that I seek,
yet the hurting persists,
the future feels so bleak.
A sound of progress
I am so tired of humansthey are all just so fucking dumb,
whenever I'm around them
I want to beat them like a drum.
This would be a sound of progress
and to it we'd all succumb
I would change this painful chaos
to a gentle guitar strum
A prisoner of fate
Oh why don't I just end iton this soon forgotten date ?
tomorrow might be better
It's not worth the endless wait !!
Each day I get nowhere
in life's endless stalemate.
yet I continue this way
in a world that I hate.
People try to preach to me
your future's yours to create
but they have not lived my life
there's no way they can relate.
I'm kept jailed by my mind
as if trapped in a crate,
hope is just out of reach
a prisoner of fate
The inhumanity of humanity
We have coined the term "humanity"and consider ourselves humane,
but when looking at our history
I'm finding this all quite insane.
For this is just a charade, you know,
that we use to avoid the pain
of knowing that though greed, lies and hate
we have become the planets bane.
Inside my mind
What the hell am I doing here ?This place is causing me much fear!
I have got to let my feelings out....
so sometimes I scream, rant and shout !
There's no way out for me to see
the wall are closing in on me!
what makes it worth waking up again
as all my days are filled with pain!
These words I write, what do they tell,
about my place in this living hell ?
There is no solace for me to find
As what I fear lives inside my mind
The fringes of my sanity
In the fringes of my sanitylie the sorrows of my soul
they will be the death of me
this is their given goal
All that is good
All that is goodwill surely die
and all human kindness
is surely a lie
I hang down my head
and let out a sigh
For my heart has no feeling
if it did, I would cry
These thoughts
These thoughts in my headthey do not belong
the more they continue
the more will go wrong
I should try to change
and not just move along
But to change takes courage
and I'm not that strong
No great pain
When I leave this place,at the time when I die,
few will notice
and no-one will cry.
I will be forgotten
by all who remain
but if all has gone well
I'll have caused no great pain
All I know
I don't want to liveyet I don't want to die.
I know not how to laugh,
and not how to cry.
As I live in this world
my sorrow does grow
yet I keep on living
as it is all I know.
No Escape
My mind is my cageI can not break free
as no one can help
it's all up to me
My thoughts are my shackles
my feelings are like chains
so there is no escape
from my troubles and pains
Another year passed,and what have I done ?
I've achieved bloody nothing
and had little fun.
Another year wasted,
just drain on this earth,
I have done nothing useful
since the day of my birth.
I lack the strength needed
"to take the bull by the horns",
to change my life for the better
and stay clear of life's thorns.
My spirit are dying
and my soul just laments.
My mood grows gloomy
in a depressing descent.
I have lost sight of all hope,
from the grave where my soul lays,
I can't see any escape
Trapped until the end of days.
So "Yay", it's my birthday,
Who gives a damn fuck.
The next might be better,
but that'll take loads of luck.
this is a poem I wrote for english class in highschool...
Her one most solemn wish
Despite their many different livesAll men stared in her direction
This was to the dismay on their wives
as her beauty caused erection
Men in cars would stop beside her
They would offer her a ride
But her answer dug deep like a spur
as they were all denied
For she was but a honest girl
and humble to the bone
her one most solemn wish
was to be left alone